The FIFA Clan

About The FIFA Clan

Welcome to The FIFA Clan, a fan fic proyect with +10 years focused in World Cup mascots and Football tournament mascots in general.Created by MundienaSKD, always trying to share and to get canon info about Football/Soccer mascots.This proyect born as a need to create content for the fandom as a story and a comic (both in progress).In our differents tabs you can read about a basic scheme of the future comic, also, download mascot content.

About the story

The FIFA Clan tells the story of Minerva, a Spaniard Mexican dog who wanted to be a football player. With the help of Friedrich, president of FIFAMA's project, Minerva will start training World Cup mascots as a way to reach her dream.
In 1983 starts the project of build a football leage formed by teams from the differents football associations and, finally, in 1986, starts the first tournament.

About the creator

With +10 years working for the football mascots fandom, MundienaSKD tries to create content for it.
The FIFA Clan is her most well known project in the community among with it's old spin-off, Hispano-Germano.

This carrd is still in progress, so, we ask to be very patient with the release of content.


Download files related with TFC as linearts or wallpapers, and Football mascots archives.Also, check the links to purchase mascot merch. In The FIFA Clan we support to buy the official merch, if is posible, official archives avaible here are here for the purpose to share them with people who can't buy them.

The FIFA Clan

Links to purchase official merch